Researching front end tools, part 3: Angular & Webpack vs Browserify
June 14, 20151209 words, posted in javascript
Since early 2014 I’ve been working on a pretty big and complex Angular app called Sling and sadly it’s not using any module system and it’s still using ES5 only. It uses Gulp to bundle and minify all the JavaScript, compile and minify our Less files,...
Researching front end tools, part 2: Deku, page.js and cssnext
May 31, 2015953 words, posted in javascript
Two weeks ago I started my journey into researching front end tools, with the idea to find my ultimate stack of build tools, JavaScript frameworks and/or libraries, CSS processors, a code style to follow and code linter to enforce it, and finally...
Researching front end tools, part 1: Ampersand.js, React, Webpack, PostCSS and ESLint
May 17, 20151809 words, posted in javascript
Since early 2014 I’ve been building a fairly large and complex JavaScript app in AngularJS, using Less as the CSS pre-processor and Gulp as the build system. I haven’t used ES6 or modules so far, via Browserify or otherwise. While it works and...