uv just keeps on getting better

It’s been three months since I migrated all my Python projects over to uv. And it’s only gotten better! Let’s look at two recent major improvements.

How to migrate your Poetry project to uv

So, like me you’ve decided to switch from Poetry to uv, and now you’re wondering how to actually migrate your pyproject.toml file? You’ve come to the right place!

Revisiting uv

Almost two months ago I compared Poetry with uv, and for me uv had some pretty significant drawbacks that kept me from switching over. The situation has changed quite a bit since then!

Trying out PDM (and comparing it with Poetry and uv)

After comparing uv to Poetry, I am trying out PDM. On paper it combines all the best things of Poetry and uv, without their downsides. How does it hold up?

Poetry versus uv

Comparing two Python package managers: Poetry and new kid on the block uv.