These are some of the more interesting open source projects I’ve created (or contributed to) over the years.
A static site generator written in Swift.
A Markdown reader for Saga, which uses Parsley.
A Markdown reader for Saga, which uses Ink and Splash.
A renderer for Saga that uses Swim to turn a RenderingContext into a String.
A renderer for Saga that uses Stencil to turn a RenderingContext into a String.
A Markdown reader for Saga, which uses SwiftMarkdown.
A Markdown parser for Swift Package Manager, using Github Flavored Markdown, plus Metadata support.
A Swift wrapper for Python-Markdown, including custom extensions.
A simple RAML to HTML documentation generator, written for Node.js.
A thin wrapper around raml-js-parser-2, adding extra properties to the resulting object for use in raml2html.
A GitHub Action triggered by a new tag getting pushed. It then fetches all the commits since the previous tag and creates a changelog text using the Conventional Commits format. It will also turn PR numbers into clickable links.
More developer friendly way of working with AdMarvel banners and interstitials.
Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK banners in interface builder with handy delegate callbacks.
The power of AVPlayer with the simplicity of MPMusicPlayerController.
A reusable photo browser for iOS using the datasource and delegate patterns.
Adding ObjectiveRecord syntax on top of NLCoreData.
Category that adds URLEncode and URLDecode to NSString.
Objective-c library for loading a remote JSON / XML config file with locally defined default values.
Category on UIImageView, adding a progress view while images are downloaded using SDWebImage.
The old Objective-C client for Sentry, later replaced by sentry-cocoa.
The official Sentry SDK for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS.
Generic notification system for Django, with multiple input types and output backends.
A collection of Django templatetags, context processors, middleware, monkey patches and other reusable hacks. Stuff I use on many Django projects, now bundled.
My dotfiles and detailed instructions on how to setup Mac OS X for development (Python, MySQL, Postgresql, Ruby, Node.js, Git, Nginx, etc).
The source code of this website, including the articles written in Markdown.